Pentosidine, an Advanced Glycation End-Product, May Reflect Clinical and Morphological Features of Hand Osteoarthritis

Martin Braun*, 1, Hana Hulejová1, Jindřiška Gatterová1, Mária Filková1, Andrea Pavelková1, Olga Šléglová1, Nikola Kaspříková2, Jiří Vencovský1, Karel Pavelka 1, Ladislav Šenolt*, 1
1 Institute of Rheumatology, Department of Experimental and Clinical Rheumatology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
2 Institute of Biophysics and Informatics, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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* Address correspondence to these authors at the Ladislav Šenolt, Institute of Rheumatology, Na Slupi 4, 128 50 Prague 2, Czech Republic; Tel: +420 234075330; Fax: +420 224914451; E-mails: or


The study investigates pentosidine levels, an advanced glycation end-product, in patients with erosive and non-erosive hand osteoarthritis (HOA) and determine its potential association with clinical findings and imaging-defined joint damage.

Pentosidine was measured by HPLC in serum and urine of 53 females with HOA (31 erosive and 22 non-erosive HOA) and normalised to the total serum protein or urinary creatinine, respectively. Pain, joint stiffness and disability were assessed by the Australian/Canadian OA hand index (AUSCAN). The hand radiographs scored according to the Kallman grading scale were assessed to determine a baseline value and reassessed after two years.

The levels of urine pentosidine, but not of serum pentosidine, were higher in patients with erosive HOA than in non-erosive HOA (p=0.039). Urinary pentosidine correlated with CRP (r=0.302, p=0.031), ESR (r=0.288, p=0.041) and AUSCAN (r=0.408, p=0.003). Serum pentosidine, but not in urine, significantly correlated with the Kallman radiographic score in erosive HOA at the baseline (r=0.409, p=0.022) and after 2 years (r=0.385, p=0.032). However, when corrected for age and disease duration, only correlation between urine pentosidine and AUSCAN remained significant (r=0.397, p=0.004).

Our data suggest that serum and urine pentosidine levels may relate to the distinctive clinical and morphological features of HOA.

Keywords: Hand osteoarthritis (HOA), pentosidine, erosive disease, biomarker, radiographs..